Traverse the Silk Road

Virtual Reality Experience

This project embarks on an exploration to discover effective narrative design modalities and interaction methodologies specifically tailored for virtual reality. Utilizing the Silk Road as a thematic focus, the project encompasses data collection, narration, and interactive design, addressing the history, trade, and geographical facets of the Silk Road. From meticulous data collection, the project crafts interactive narratives spanning three dimensions: historical chronicles, Silk Road trade dynamics, and geographical information. It introduces three innovative VR narrative design patterns: (1)incorporation of 2D content within a 3D VR environment. (2) employment of a three-dimensional spatial display. (3) development of an immersive visual experience that users can engage with.

In sum, this project exemplifies a pioneering effort in translating cultural heritage into an interactive and immersive virtual experience, offering valuable insights and methodologies that can inspire and guide future innovations in virtual reality storytelling.